“If you conjure the devil/You better make sure/You got a bed for him to sleep in”. It reminds me a lot of Candyass-era Orgy it has that bass-driven crunch to it. “Soldier, die soon/don’t get in the way/you’re not the hero”? Solid music too brief to be all that meaningful though. “Infinite Darkness” is an Antichrist Superstar throwback, or at least a throwback to the nu-metal period, and it works pretty well. The Manson Reddit has compared it to Timberlake’s “What Comes Around Goes Around”, and yeah, but this is significantly better. Manson’s voice fits this kind of thing very well – a not-quite-triphop drumbeat accompanied by pianos throughout. “Halfway & One-Step Forward” opens with Coldplay pianos and a Nick Jonas(!) reference. Not a fan, but I think people who enjoyed THEOL are going to like this one a lot. I despised that song, so I’m not predisposed to enjoy this. “Paint You With My Love” sounds like an improved version of “Unkillable Monster” from The High End Of Low. “If tonight lasts forever/It won’t matter if there’s no tomorrow”. I can see the Diamond Dogs influence pretty clear. Should probably have been the lead single. This is really, really catchy, in a Smashing Pumpkins kinda way. Superstar”-esque opening, before… segueing into maybe the best keyboard lick since Mechanical Animals. “Don’t Chase The Dead” has an almost “Mr. By the title I was expecting this to be political, but it sounds like a relationship song. Reminds me heavily of the harder points of Born Villain with better production – not necessarily a bad thing. “Red, Black and Blue” opens with a “Cake and Sodomy”/”Overneath The Path Of Mystery”-style tribal drumbeat. It makes me excited to see what the rest of the record has to offer. He is older after all and has never been the one to stay in one place. I can respect Manson for going into another direction. But it doesn’t keep me from enjoying the song. Someone on another site had mentioned how all of the sounds of this track are kind of distorted together, which I noticed. The production of The Pale Emperor was phenomenal and Heaven Upside Down pretty good as well. What I miss Is the production done by Tyler Bates. But Manson’s recent work has had that issue.
The lyrics aren’t awful, albeit a little repetitive. I was expecting a heavier track, since the title has a kind of aggression to it. The song, on the other hand, has grown on me immensely.

But it quickly segwayed into something I just think looks so bad. Although, it does have a few cool parts, such as in the very beginning. When I first heard the song, accompanied with watching the video, I was in shock.